Unexplained loss of muscle mass - Vitality Wellness Clinic

Unexplained loss of muscle mass, known as idiopathic sarcopenia, can be concerning for many people. This condition is characterized by the gradual wasting away of skeletal muscle without a clear cause. Some potential causes that doctors investigate include:

If efforts to fix diet, activity, and existing health conditions fail to prevent ongoing muscle deterioration, comprehensive lab testing - like a complete blood count, comprehensive metabolic panel, thyroid panel, testosterone check, and vitamin D assessment - is worthwhile. At Vitality Wellness Clinic, we specialize in diagnosing hormonal and nutritional causes of unexplained muscle loss using state-of-the-art testing methods. Our experts craft personalized treatment plans combining bioidentical hormone therapy, customized nutrition plans, and innovative peptide protocols to help patients regain their strength, energy and vitality. We participate with most major insurance plans and offer flexible financing options. Schedule a consultation today to halt muscle wasting! In summary, idiopathic loss of muscle mass can result from modifiable factors like diet and exercise. But sometimes an underlying illness or age-related decline drives this complex condition. Seeking timely medical advice for evaluation and management is key to preventing disability and maintaining independence. Reach out with any other questions!

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