Mood swings - Vitality Wellness Clinic

What is mood swings?

Mood swings are sudden, unpredictable shifts in one's emotional state. We all experience ups and downs, but when mood shifts are severe, come on quickly, and disrupt daily functioning, it may indicate an underlying condition like depression or bipolar disorder.

Symptoms of problematic mood swings can include:


There are various potential causes of troublesome mood instability:

If you feel your quality of life is significantly impacted by intense or frequent mood swings, see your doctor or a mental health professional. Underlying issues driving the mood instability can often be treated.

"The team at Vitality Wellness Clinic specializes in helping patients whose mood issues may be related to hormonal imbalances or fluctuations. We provide cutting-edge testing and personalized treatment plans involving bioidentical hormone therapy and other targeted approaches to stabilize mood. Our patients report improved mood regulation, reduced anxiety and irritability, enhanced joy and optimism, and better ability to manage stress. Contact us today for a consultation with one of our highly-trained practitioners!"

Healthy Coping Strategies

Alongside professional treatment, developing some mood regulation skills can help smooth out emotional peaks and valleys:

While we all feel ups and downs, seeking help for profound mood instability can help you reclaim balance and consistency in your life. There are solutions available to ease such disruptive swings and regain an even keel. Support and effective treatment can go a long way if your moods have felt like a rollercoaster lately.

Reclaim balance and consistency. Seek help today!

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