Low libido - Vitality Wellness Clinic

What is low libido?

Low libido, or a decreased sex drive, is when someone experiences a lower interest in or desire for sexual activity than is considered average or was previously experienced. There are many potential causes of low libido, and it can affect both men and women.

Some common signs and symptoms of low sex drive include:

Low libido can be caused by both physical and psychological factors. Some potential physical causes include:

Psychological causes of decreased sexual desire can include:

If you've noticed a persistent decrease in your libido that is concerning to you or affecting your relationship, don't hesitate to discuss it with your doctor. The professionals at Vitality Wellness Clinic specialize in identifying potential causes of low sex drive and creating customized treatment plans to help patients regain passion and intimacy.

In many cases low libido is treatable once the underlying cause is identified. Some ways to potentially boost sex drive include:

"A diminished sex drive doesn't have to be permanent. Through hormone optimization, reducing life stresses, and deepening intimacy, many people find an increased passion for sex once again. Don't give up hope!"- Dr. Priya Vitality Wellness Clinic Medical Director

In summary, low libido involves decreased sexual interest that can be attributed to hormonal, medical, emotional, or lifestyle factors in either men or women. Consulting your doctor to identify the root cause and coming up with a holistic treatment approach are key to addressing the issue. With time the right solutions can help reignite lost passion and improve intimacy.

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