Hormone imbalance - Vitality Wellness Clinic

What is hormone imbalance?

A hormone imbalance occurs when there are too much or too little of a certain hormone in the body. Hormones are chemicals produced by the endocrine glands and released into the bloodstream. They act as messengers, traveling to different parts of the body and triggering various processes like growth, metabolism, reproduction etc.

Some common signs and symptoms of a hormonal imbalance include:

Estrogen dominance is a very common type of hormone imbalance in women. It happens when you have excessive estrogen in relation to your progesterone levels. Symptoms include breast tenderness, irregular periods, mood swings etc.

Low testosterone is increasingly seen nowadays in men over 40 or 50. It can cause low libido, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, loss of muscle mass etc.

Some common causes for hormonal imbalances include:

If not managed properly, hormone imbalances can negatively impact almost all aspects of health over time. So getting to the root cause and treating it appropriately is crucial.

Some of the treatment options we provide include:

We also provide continued support and regular follow-ups to ensure your hormone levels are optimally balanced.

So if you are struggling with hormonal issues, contact us today to start your journey towards reclaiming your health! Our holistic protocols help restore harmony naturally without just medicating the symptoms away.

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