Decreased libido - Vitality Wellness Clinic

What is decreased libido?

Decreased libido, or low sex drive, is when a person experiences a lower interest in sexual activity than is normal for them. This can be caused by a variety of factors, both physical and psychological.

Some potential causes of decreased libido include:

Decreased libido can have physical and emotional effects. A person with low sex drive may feel distressed about their lack of desire or frustrated by the change. Their intimate relationship can suffer too due to less interest in sex.

If you've noticed your libido declining and want to get your sex drive back, there are some self-care tips to try:

However, if self-care measures don't help within a couple months, it's a good idea to talk to your doctor, especially if the issue is new or distressing for you. Low libido should not just be ignored and has real solutions available.

Your doctor can check for any underlying medical or mental health issues contributing to decreased sex drive. If hormone deficiencies or conflicts are found, replacements and adjustments can bring those levels back into balance. Certain medications may also be adjusted or changed if they are interfering with libido.

Additionally, counseling is an option to address any emotional issues or relationship problems linked to low libido. Sessions focus on reducing anxiety, boosting intimacy, and improving communication between partners. A dual approach of medical treatment combined with psychotherapy is often most effective for low libido.

At Vitality Wellness Clinic, our caring medical team specializes in getting to the root cause of libido issues like low testosterone. We offer cutting-edge hormone testing and replacement therapies to restore optimal balances related to sex drive and performance. Men and women alike see improved desire and confidence with tailored hormone therapies from Vitality Wellness Clinic. Contact us today for a consultation!

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